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Should I be scared?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 1:07 pm
by RikkuGirl
I was home the other day early from work. Hanging out with a friend I havent seen for a few months now. I wasn't expecting anyone else so the knock on the door came as a surprise.

I answered the door to see a VERY, how should I say this... Soft man? lol. He was very sweet and asked me if I knew the person across the hall from me, my neighbor.

I replied that he is very secretive and I wanted to know why he was asking. He said he was from good morning america and the man across the hall from me was found to be associated with the Man who did the terrorist car bomb in NY!

O_O :shock: !! that was my exact face. WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THAT?! I could "POSSIBLY" have a relative of a terrorist living across from me. *chills*

Though I dont like to jump to conclusions seeing as I dont know the gentleman.. but the whole situation made me uneasy....

My boyfriend told me not to talk to the man again or any other random people who come to our door cause he said if we piss the terrorist off, that he will try to bomb us....

-_- Ridiculous as that sounds... it still makes me think. lol

Would YOU Be scared? O.o;;;

Cheer me up! Im scared ill find a cake on me doorstep one of these days and it will be ticking.... *le sigh* :?

Re: Should I be scared?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 1:22 pm
by Eirnae

Rikku, I understand why you would be scared, and yes, I would be, too. However, I do want to say that news stations, such as Good Morning America, get their leads from a vast variety of people, and they aren't always true.

Caution is probably to be your best friend here, but in all honesty, avoiding the guy doesn't sound like it will be effective. Have you ever heard the joke about the one man in the office that no one talks to, and one day he goes on a killing spree? The person he avoids killing is the one who spoke to him and gave him candy on a fairly regular basis. Anyway, joke aside, to act paranoid around people rumored to be like that I believe will only paint you as a target.

If you really aren't comfortable with the whole thing, as troublesome as it may be to do so, perhaps you should consider moving? If not that, then I would suggest finding a way to verify the truth without putting yourself in danger. Still, even if he proves to be a relative of such an individual, he may not share their beliefs. Just because your brother, sister, aunt, cousin, etc. does something highly illegal and ridiculously dangerous doesn't mean that you would, right?

Overall, just be careful, hon. I bet there are a lot of people here who care about you, and they are all likely to be hoping for the best. Me, I'll be praying for you. Stay safe.

Re: Should I be scared?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 1:36 pm
by RikkuGirl
:D Thanks my dear. Ya its just a little weird.

LIke I said I dont want to judge the guy cause... thats guilty by association.. which personally I dont condone. ^_^;;

I mean... like you said, alot of those leads could be totaly bogus... so I think im just going to avoid the situation. I dont normally SEE the guy, which is one of the reasons it makes it so creepy...

is cause he IS a very secrative and he does keep to himself and he is not home on normal people hrs... just makes my imagination go WILD. o.o;; and well... I come up with some weird and scary things when I get to thinking too hard >_<

Pray for me! yes plz do. lol if you hear about a cake bomb in florida.. ITS ME! XD Lmao. j.k. lol

seriously though... its just weird. o.<

Re: Should I be scared?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:52 am
by AsaraDragon
I'd be more concerned about the guy who showed up at your door. Did he have any sort of press credentials or anything? I wouldn't just trust some random guy at the door about anything. He could just be someone who doesn't like your neighbor and is trying to cause a fuss.

He might just have a job with odd hours, and sleep on a different schedule. Still, always be careful. Myself, I never answer the door for someone I don't know, unless I ordered pizza!

Re: Should I be scared?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:57 am
by madhatter123
AsaraDragon wrote:I'd be more concerned about the guy who showed up at your door. Did he have any sort of press credentials or anything? I wouldn't just trust some random guy at the door about anything. He could just be someone who doesn't like your neighbor and is trying to cause a fuss.

He might just have a job with odd hours, and sleep on a different schedule. Still, always be careful. Myself, I never answer the door for someone I don't know, unless I ordered pizza!
I agree with Asara, I would be extremely concerned if that dude showec up at your door. If he doesn't, just relax and just in case, don't provoke him. If he does, maybe you should ask your boyfriend to open the door together, afterall, safety in numbers! :)

I luffles you Rikku! *snugs* :P

Re: Should I be scared?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 10:12 am
by Faemien
My imagination would be running away from me. It's bad enough that I joke that the grandma living next door to us is a vampire - because I've never seen her outside during the day. And I rarely hear her moving around during the day either. I think all the movement is her husband. I don't think either of them are morning people, but it's way more fun to think of them as supernaturals than a couple of little old night owls.

But seriously, I wouldn't worry too much. If you get too worried you could always contact your landlord. But just because the guy may be related to the guy in NY does not make him a terrorist.

Stay safe and the next person that knocks on the door, ask to see their credentials!

Re: Should I be scared?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 7:54 pm
by Madam Mim
I'm scared and I'm not even living across from him >>