Volunteer overview
I'm looking for a group of people who I can ask to run events, will approach me with events ideas, and/or will do miscellaneous other tasks. Nobody will be required to do anything they don't want to do and you can stop being a volunteer at any time! If you're busy you can ask to take a break and you're welcome back at any time.
For every event or task that you do, you'll earn points which can be redeemed for fun stuff! The number of points you earn for an event depends on how much time will go into running it. Here's an overview of how the points system will work, although this is subject to change as we work out the bugs:
Earning points
Quick event (1 hour or less) - 1 point
Long event (1-3 hours) - 3 points
Really long event (more than 3 hours) - 5 points
The time is based on how long it takes the event runner to run the event, not how long the event would actually run. Something like a drawing draw would be 1 points while something like a series of races would be 5 points. If you run something like an entire festival, you'd earn points for each event in the festival instead of just 5 points for the whole thing.
Points values
At value - Tradeable items
5 - Semi-custom accessory token or semi-custom pet token
10 - Semi-custom Sam token or job token
15 - Custom Sam token or breeding token
25 - Full custom Sam (max species rarity rare, not too crazy with the traits) or twin breeding token
50+ - Holy moly! We'll talk!
You'll be required to keep track of your own points, but all that means is updating a post on the volunteer board when you earn more points.
Volunteer requirements and expectations
- You need to have been a member of the Samanayr community for at least 6 months.
- You don't need to have a PI account to be a volunteer, it just means you'll only be able to run events that just take place on the Samanayr forum.
- Contests and events should be wrapped up within 3 days of the end date. Events where with entries that need to be judged or where a winner needs to be picked (writing contests, design contests, etc) have a week for the winners to be announced.
- 'Professional' conduct is expected at all times. If you have a personal issue with a participant, please keep things civil, and if you have any concerns please contact me directly.
- Life happens, I know that as much as anyone else! If you agreed to run an event but find you don't have the time after all, or if something comes up, please let me know so alternative arrangements can be made.
- You decide how much time you'd like to dedicate to running events. You could just run short events, just long events, or a mix of both, and you can decide to take on events or not as your time permits.
- You may be asked to step down if you're consistently late wrapping up events, engaging in rude behavior, etc.
- HAVE FUN! Or else >:[
How this will work
Volunteers can decide which categories of events they'd like to run (RP, races, live games, etc). When I need a volunteer for a specific event, I'll contact the person at the top of the category list. Once they've run the event, they'll go to the bottom of the list for that category. This is just so that one person doesn't keep getting all of the events, since I'd like everyone to get a chance!
Here's the current event categories:
- Long-running events
- Short-running/in-thread events
- Expeditions (RP)
- Expeditions (random)
- RP
If you have an idea for an event or series of events you'd like to run, you can contact me to see if it can happen! We just need to make sure that prizes can be provided and that there aren't a lot of events already happening.
For events like festivals, a group of volunteers would probably be used rather than having one person do all of the work.
Two or more volunteers could also work together on a single event if appropriate (think of something like the 'guess the Sam' games from a few years ago)!
Interested? Apply!
I'll be taking on a small group of volunteers to begin with, but may take on more if this works out well

Which event categories would you like to sign up for?
Would you like to run events on PI, the Sam forum, or both places?
Where's the best place to contact you (PI, Sam forum, or either)?
When did you first join the Samanayr community (approximately)?
Have you read all of the requirements and expectations?
You're running a contest that's open for a week. A day after the event ends, someone says they got the dates of the deadline mixed up and they really want to submit their entry because they worked really hard on it. What would you do?
Anything else?
This will be open for a week or so, and I'll contact all successful applicants. Thanks for your interest!