The participating guest artists are:

You can read all of the breeding information and rules here:
There's also an additional restriction for this draw - Please no pairs where both parents are full Elementals, and no Modiem combinations to make the foal an Elemental. One Elemental parent is fine.
If you don't have your own Samanayr - you can still apply for a breeding using Samanayrs from an open Song! When a Song is open, it means that anyone can apply for a breeding from the Song without needing permission from the owners.
You can search the database for open Songs:
If you need permission to use someone's Samanayr - it's up to you to get that permission, and there's no permission form to send in. However, if you apply for a breeding from a closed Song and don't ask permission from the Samanayr's owners, your foal will be repossessed and you will be banned from Samanayrs for a time. If you're worried about getting permission in time, there's lots of open Songs to choose from!
To enter the draw, just apply to this post with the following form filled out:
Song name:
Song URL (if applicable):
Sire's name:
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name:
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any):
One-use items (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions?
If a Samanayr doesn't have an ID number, just provide a link to its image.
The draw will be open until March 28, 7pm PDT - good luck