No clue when the next breeding season will be, of course, what with this season still due to wrap up... buuuut~!
I've got a lot of Sams. xD It makes my heart soar to see them spawn. Lots of them are open permission, but quite a few aren't. That doesn't mean I wouldn't happily give permission if someone asked, however!
If anyone wants to ask me about a specific Sam just so that you can have the permission for when you need it (a future season, a custom slot, a breeding token, however babies happen), please feel free. I've done that in the past and I just keep them in a little saved 'draft' PM for reference.
The only thing I usually ask is that a particular breeding not be duplicated - so please don't request the same mare of mine that someone already requested in a season unless you two have some awesome plan for twins "one way or the other".
I will do even more dances if you happen to want a breeding with a pairing that's never been done before.

If anyone else wants to chime in with the 'totally, ask me about baybeez!' message, please feel free. <3