A possible explanation for Glint’s disappearance appears towards the end of the first day of the Festival, in the form of a fiery Kirin stallion. He times his appearance well, soaring over the hotsprings with the golden light of the setting sun behind him.
He lands at the rim of the large hotspring the Song of the Rainbow calls home, and a crowd slowly gathers as he perches there perfectly still, wings still spread. After a few minutes, perhaps when he’s determined that a crowd of sufficient size has gathered, the stallion folds his wings and looks around with a serious expression on his face.

"Elected by who?" somebody shouts.
The stallion just smiles, or perhaps a smirk would be a better way to describe the expression on his face. "I'm afraid that information is between myself and Glint of the Ice Prism. If he were here, he would say the same."
"I am here," Glint calls from towards the back of the crowd. The Samanayrs between the two stallions part to let him through, but Glint remains where he is, watching Valor with narrowed eyes.
Valor waits a few moments, and continues when Glint doesn't say anything further. "My Song and I will be using the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings as our base and travelling where and when needed. The Song of the Rainbow will help to raise any foals born to my Song, as they will be unable to accompany us. But of course, for foals, first I need mares!" The stallion smiles again, sweeping his gaze over the crowd. "Perhaps I'll find the lucky ladies I'm looking for here?"
Eligible mares begin to murmur among themselves, eyeing the fiery stallion, until he concludes his speech with "Kirin mares only, of course." The murmuring abruptly ceases.
Well, this is interesting! Why would the Song of the Rainbow require another Song to help them out? Help them out with what? We'll find out when I finally finish that interactive story I started a while ago, which is my writing goal for April XD
Anyway, Valor is here, and he needs mares! To start he's just looking for a lead mare, and that's where you come in

- Like the Song of the Rainbow, the Song of the Rainbow Aflame will be a public Song. This means that anyone can apply for a breeding with them and I'll occasionally include foals from them as prizes and such.
- The mare must be a Kirin or Kirin combination.
- Any traits except unique or species-specific allowed!
- Samanayrs are very small, so when designing please keep in mind that it can be difficult for me to do very small or detailed markings.
- Since Samanayrs are hand-colored it can be difficult for me to match up the exact colors, but I'll try my best!
- Your entry can be written, drawn, or a combination of both. You won't be judged on the quality of writing or drawing, just on the design itself. Visual aids are most appreciated, particularly for detailed markings and that kind of thing.
- Entries can be as detailed or vague as you'd like, but please be sure to fill out all of the info on the form as a bare minimum.
One random winner will have their design turned into a Samanayr, although it will not be a member of the Song.
All entrants will receive a random tradeable item

Samanayr name:
Markings and colors:
Accessories (if any):
Other relevant info (if any): [/b]
This will be open until April 10, 1pm PDT/20:00 PI time. Good luck!