Stay tuned for some Samanayr animal mimic fun this January ;D
It's time for some guest artist fun again

Here's some more information for potential artists:
- Quality does count for guest artist positions. Please don't be hurt if you're not chosen to be a guest artist, since my standards are quite high.
- If new guest artists would like to be able to have their Sams posted on PonyIsland, they are required to go through a 3-week introductory period. An additional Samanayr will need to be made for intros - last time we did Frankensams but a pre made Sam given away through a different event would work too! This is optional, but if a guest artist doesn't go through the intros process their Sams will be available on the Samanayr forum only.
- If you were one of the guest artists from last time, you're in again for sure! You also don't need to go through the intros process again, yay XD
As payment for their guest coloring (besides my utmost gratitude ;D), each guest artist will also be allowed to create a Samanayr and/or pet for themselves. Some more information on that:
- An artist can choose to create a Samanayr, a pet, or both.
- The artist gets to choose what to do with their second Sam. It can be kept, gifted, traded, or sold.
- If selling their Samanayr, the artist is responsible for setting up the sale, receiving payment, and contacting me with the Sam's information so that it can be certed.
- The Samanayr can't be auctioned - if it's being sold for $, the artist must set a firm price.
- The second Samanayr cannot be sold until the 3-week introductory period on PI has been completed.
- If the artist chooses to do a pet instead of a Sam, the same above info apply.
- The Samanayr can be a breeding between two existing Sams, following the usual breeding rules. I can walk the artist through how I figure out breedings or I can do it for them (eg, determining gender, which traits, twins or not).
And some general information that applies to both Samanayrs the guest artists will produce:
- The highest species rarity is rare, the highest trait rarity is very rare. New species or traits can't be created.
- All Samanayrs must be hand-colored (any traditional medium is fine) and the size of a typical Samanayr. If your image is too large, I will shrink it down.
- I'll cert the guest artist Sams, the artists just need to email or PM the images to me.
- All artists will be credited on the cert and in all posts that include their Samanayr's image.
- All Samanayrs created by guest artists are considered 'official' Samanayrs. They can join Songs, participate in all Samanayr events, breed, etc.
- Once accepted as a guest artist, please let me know if you'd like to create some more Samanayrs! It's always wonderful to have Samanayrs ready for events

Here's the potential timeline for the event Sams:
December 6 - Guest artists applications close at 8pm PST. I will get in touch with all applicants as soon as possible so that everyone can get working!
January 1 - The completed animal mimic Sams are due this day! I'll set up the PI intros thread when I've received all of the Sams.
January 21 - The three-week intro period will be over and the main events can begin!
Phew, I think that's it XD Please let me know if you have any questions!
If you're a new guest artist applicant, please send me a PM with the subject New Guest Artist Application and the following form filled out:
Please provide links to at least three examples of traditional art that you've done (a link to a gallery would also work):
Would you be able to make the January 1 deadline?
Would you be willing to make an extra Samanayr to go through intros? If so, would you be willing to do a Franken or premade?
Do you think you'd keep, gift, trade, or sell your personal Sam(s)?
Anything else?
If you're a previously accepted guest artist, please send me a PM with the subject I'm in! and let me know which animal you'd like to mimic

Applications will be open until December 6, 8pm PST - good luck!