[Closed RP] Misdirected Irritation

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[Closed RP] Misdirected Irritation

Post by Origami_Dragon »

((Just moving the RP that sprung up after the White Elephant into here rather than continue to fill the game thread. This is for me and CosmicDragon to continue exploring our new Sams. This first post just contains all the RP that happened before. I'll make a new post for my new reply.))
CosmicDragon wrote:Oooh, they are all so gorgeous!! Congrats to everyone~ :D
Also... *sneaks up on Ori and tries to tempt Unity away* Come heeeere, little Cosmic Sam.... :o
Origami_Dragon wrote:Unity: *regards Cosmic with mild confusion* I do believe that I have done enough tyraveling foyr the moment, thank you. I shall stay heyre now.
CosmicDragon wrote:But... I have chocolate? *waves treats at Unity hopefully*

Echo: *looks affronted* Excuse me. *shoves his person back and gives Unity a disgruntled glare*
Origami_Dragon wrote: Unity: *gives Echo an even more confused look* What did I do to you? *turns back to Cosmic* Peyrhaps you should be offeyring him the chocolate.
CosmicDragon wrote: /feels chastened
Um... Chocolate? *tries to appease her disgruntled stallion*
Echo: *grumbles something about showy blasted feathers and gives the cold shoulder*
... Ohdear. *looks to Ori for help*
Origami_Dragon wrote: Unity: *looks even more bewildered as he spreads a wing and examines his feathers* *turns to his new human* Explanation? Please? *looks hopefully confused*
Ori: Oh dear... Why can't the dark and rainbow stallions get along?
Unity: *raises hoof* That's yratheyr what I was hoping you weyre going to addyress. ...also, what is chocolate?
Ori: Um...chocolate is food. Sweet food. Candy.
Unity: *considers this* Alyright. Now, why is he mad?
Ori: Er...ask...him?
Unity: *considers this thoughtfully, then stretches up to his feet and ambles over in the general direction of Echo*
Ori: I'm...not sure this is a good idea...
CosmicDragon wrote: o-o Uh... Ori...? I don't think this is gonna work...
Echo: *eyes the approaching Unity grumpily, huffs, then turns his back, still grumbling under his breath*
Oh dear. This is all my fault.
Origami_Dragon wrote:Unity: *sits down, staring at the grumbling Echo* Take you'yre time. I can wait. Tell me what's wyrong. I can't fix my mistake unless you tell me how I have upset you.
Ori: I'm not sure it will either, but Unity doesn't want to leave the thread.
CosmicDragon wrote: Echo: Fix? *looks over his shoulder at Unity petulantly* You can't fix youyr showy colouyrs, or youyr pyretty featheyrs or youyr stupid flowy tail... *huffs angrily and glares at the ground, mumbling about attention-stealing Lamanayrs*

o-o ... Ori, how does one soothe a jealous stallion?
Origami_Dragon wrote:Unity: ??? I should go yroll in the mud? *looks self-consciously at his rainbow wings, and tucks his tail under his haunches* But...you ayre yrainbow too? I could give you a featheyr? *tugs at a loose feather in one wing*
Ori: Er...go find a mare who thinks he's prettier than Unity?
CosmicDragon wrote:Echo: ... *Looks mildly appeased by the thought of Unity covered in mud, then grumbles* ... I suppose it's not really your fault... *grumbles a little more, then half turns to face the other stallion* Your colors are just so much brighter than mine... *glances at the offending feathers out of the corner of his eye huffily*

Uh. That's a good idea! ... Know any? ^-^;;
Origami_Dragon wrote:Unity: *finally gets the feather loose and balances it between Echo's ears, then steps back and studies him* You look byright enough to me. You'yre yrainbow is just in smalleyr bands. I think that makes it look byrighter than mine.

Ori: *wanders off, then returns dragging Wink

Wink: Vhy I heyre again? *spies stallions* Oh-ho! Yes, am zeeink! *frisks over* Hello handsomes!

Ori: How about one who thinks they're both hunks? Most of my single mares aren't...looking. And some of them told me both stallions were too rainbow.
CosmicDragon wrote:Echo: *goes a little cross-eyed trying to look at his new feathery adornment* Th-Thank you... *looks honestly flabbergasted* You are very... kind. *begrudgingly warmed by the gesture*

Good gods, Unity is the sweetest thing ever. <3

Echo: *eyes approaching mare warily, though perks up at the attention* Hello...?

(Oh for the love of... It was just made very clear in my head why he's been such a little grump around Unity... >-<; And it had far less to do with being jealous than I thought.)
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Re: [Closed RP] Misdirected Irritation

Post by Origami_Dragon »

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Unity: *looks pleased* Now you have a byright featheyr too. You ayre not so angyry now? *whisks tail and looks hopeful, forgetting the earlier objections to his 'stupid flowy tail'*

Wink: *eyes them both and taps her hoof to draw attention back to herself* You boys ayre haffink some fun, yes? Is beink yroom foyr one moyre?

Mystic: (on the sidelines, not yet where the adults can see her) Why am I supposed to go get auntie Wink again?

Ori: (to Mystic) Because...er...just because. I'll explain when you're older.

((Unity is a sweetie! So why am eyeing him as being the stallion who could handle Wrath and Madness?))
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Re: [Closed RP] Misdirected Irritation

Post by CosmicDragon »


Echo: *shuffles and huffs, feeling his mood losing steam in the face of the the Lamanayr's hopefulness* ... I suppose. *grumbles half-heartedly, carefully keeping the feather in place with his ears* But we were not having fun! *scrunches up his nose in an offended glare at the mare*

Cosmic: *facepalms, whispers* They're being nice to you, you're supposed to be nice back... *is promptly ignored*
"The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles." - 11th Doctor
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