Once I found out, I got the LJ shut down, but I recently found out that they had also emailed people on the Glassgryph forum and pretended to hold a giveaway from a fake email address. To make sure nothing like this ever happens with Samanayrs, I thought it would be good to share some info about how I do things XD
- All events are posted on this forum and/or on the forums of sites where Samanayrs are active. I do not run events through email mailing lists, just on LiveJournal, or through IM.
- My LiveJournal username is sushidragon and I do have a rather inactive adoptable-related LJ community called cityshar. Were I to run events on LiveJournal, it would not be from any other account.
- The username of the Photobucket account I use for all of my adoptables and images is skysong_of_shar.
- My email address is ANTISPAMsushidragonstudio@gmail.com (without the ANTISPAM, of course XD). I also have an old Yahoo account which I don't use to actually send emails.
- I do use AIM but would never run events from there, and I don't use any other messengers with any regularity.