All Expedition HQ-related actions take place in the Expedition HQ section of the forum. There is a lot that can be done, so hopefully this list will help to de-complicate things a little bit.
I want to get an item I can trade to the Sharians
Tradeable items can be obtained on an expedition. Expeditions currently take place on the expedition board - more details on how expeditions work will be explained there. There are also sometimes chances to get tradeable items from contests and events.
I want to trade with the Sharians to get an item
If you have the required items, you can trade with the Sharians on the Trading Post. Please see the User-to-Sharian trading rules before posting.
I want to trade items with another user
User-to-user trades can be arranged either in private or on the Trading Post, taking into account the User-to-User item trading rules. All User-to-User trades must be finalized in item administration.
Items that can be traded are:
- Tradeable items
- Unused Modiems and Mimodiems
- Totems and Amulets that have not been equipped
Items that cannot be traded are:
- Totems and Amulets that have been equipped
- Samanayrs (they're not items!)
I want to see what items I have
Check out the items list to see who has what.
I want to equip an item to a Samanayr or Song
Equippable items are Totems and Amulets. To equip one to a Samanayr or Song, please visit the equip board.
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All images and text on this page are © Sushidragon - all rights reserved This page was last modified on February 8, 2008