HTML> samanayrs - tradeable items list

tradeable items list
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The following is a list of all of the possible items that can be found on an expedition. Each item has a name, image, description, and how many trade points the Sharians value it at. The points value is an indicator of how rare the item is, as the more rare items are worth more points, and are subject to change as an item becomes more common or scarce.

These items are not equippable, and can only be used for trade with the Sharians.

NameImageDescriptionPoints Value
Rosa BerriesTiny, tart berries that are entirely inedible
Brown Lamanayr FeatherA Lamanayr wing-feather, used in decoration
GleamstoneA tiny rock with a glittery sheen.
Sweetscent FlowerA small flower with a fantastic scent.
Rainbow Lamanayr FeatherA Lamanayr wing-feather, used in decoration
Tandil BerriesThese berries look delicious, but are very poisonous.
Sunsnap FlowerThe little flowers are such a bright yellow they almost seem to be glowing.
Silver BarkBark from the Silverleaf Tree.

Image credits

  • Sushidragon - Rosa berries, brown Lamanayr feather, rainbow Lamanayr feather
  • Pristine - Tandil berries, silver bark, gleamstone, sweetscent flower, sunsnap flower
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All images and text on this page are © Sushidragon - all rights reserved
This page was last modified on October 12, 2008