Well, technically he's been here for two and a half weeks, but I've been so tired I kept forgetting to post here XD
Baby Sushi is here, and he's a boy - surprise! He was born on October 21st and is just the most perfect little man we could have hoped for. He's definitely keeping us busy!
Aww! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sushi on the birth of your baby boy! Baby Sushi is an absolutely handsome little fellow. <3 I'm delighted for the whole family.
Hi, everyone! We're still alive and still super busy XD Although I have found the occasional moment to sit down and color when he's sleeping or otherwise occupied - I've got a whole half of a Samanayr colored!
Samanayrs won't be back again for a while yet, but I just thought I'd let everyone know that we're all still alive and doing well! We'll see how things are going in the new year