I've been listing my charms at Etsy and I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to present them. First I had them all on a bright green background, and today I've been fiddling around with a black background (my keyboard). I feel like I should be mixing up the variety of background colors so that it's not a sea of black or bright green, but it's time-consuming enough to get these photos XD;
So basically, I'm trying to decide between a main photo with a green background, like this:
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?li ... d=32435239
vs a main photo with a black background:
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?li ... d=32435367
And here's how they appear in the main page of the shop and in searches:

All listings will have the last two photos (size comparison with a quarter and charm actually being worn).
Or maybe I should be trying to get the photos on a white background.. argh! Any comments much appreciated