Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - results!

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Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - results!

Post by Sushidragon »

"A Cancer's good memory is the basis for stories told around the dinner table, and don't be surprised if these folks get emotional about things. Those born under this sign wear their heart on their sleeve, which is just fine by them."

Cancer/Abode finds peace and serenity in her home in the sea, but she does occasionally make her way to the surface for air and the view. The Festival of Falling Stars sees her head bobbing above the waves in the moonlight, finding patterns in the stars. She'd also like to know, what do you see?
Join Abode in stargazing and find a picture in the stars! Your task is to create a picture by drawing lines between the stars. Entries will be judged on creativity and effort and the winner will receive Abode as their prize :D There's also prizes for second and third place:
Cancer-inspired Mage Construct
Trait Amulet - Bone Mask
When equipped to a Samanayr, a Trait Amulet gives that trait to the Samanayr. It is passed down to foals like a usual trait, and the trait will be removed if the Amulet is equipped. Once an Amulet has been equipped to a Sam it cannot be equipped to a different Sam.

- There is a limit of one entry per person. Please enter either on PI or the Sam forum, not both places.
- Your lines can be straight or curved, but must start and end at a star.
- You can fill in the spaces created by your lines with color or leave them empty, but the lines must be clearly visible.

There's a white background with black stars and a black background with white stars - you pick which one you'd liek to use! ... stars1.gif ... stars2.gif

And here's a very poor example that I did. It's a dragon.. Samanayr.. thing?


To enter, just post your image in the thread on PI or the Sam forum! This will be open until September 10, 10am PDT/18:00 PI time - good luck!
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Raenia »

Fringe sits on the shore, looking up at the night sky with Abode. "I see a aquatic samanayr," she says excitedly. "See it theyre?" She points out the bright sparks of light and patches of darkness that form the shape. "Theyre's the face and the eayrs, and the foyrked fin-tail like a meyrmaid, and the flippeyrs," she explains, hoof moving to point to each.

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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Origami_Dragon »

Wrath stares up into the night sky in confusion, brow crinkled as she tries to grasp the concept of pictures in the sky. Staring down at her spiked feet she thoughtfully pokes a few holes in the ground, then trills excitedly as the idea clicks. "Oh! Pictuyres in the dot-dots! Like the helpeyr-Shayrian! See him theyre? His body and his legs and his head and his wings and one ayrm styretched out to help the Kin!" Excitedly she stabs the ground repeatedly, reproducing the star pattern on the earth.


(It makes as much sense as some of the constellations we have here on Earth. And I fail at straight lines...)
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Esperanza »

"A Sa'grisayr!" Gem exclaimed to her song mates as she stared at the stars curiously. "It's a Sa'grisayr. Oh, look. It's chasing little bugs! Yrun little buggies!" She chirped excitedly, standing up to run after the constellation. "Oh, look, it's moving!" She grinned as she ran, staring up at the sky and the little sam in it. "Come on you all, follow me!" She called back to the mares and her stallion.

{seems like Gem got a little excited about her vision in the sky. I really can't draw lines. I:}
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by PookaWitch »

Scatter of the Prismatic Rain lay with his beloved Drift nuzzled up close. Together they looked up into the sky trying to make out some type of shape within the twinkling stars. "I don't see anything, what do you see love?" Scatter asked his fluffy mate.
Drift of the Silvered Snow smiled shyly... "Can't you see it, the butterfly hovering within the stars?" she pointed a hoof, tracing it out in the sky hoping that her mate would see it as well.


"Do you see the butterfly?" she called out happily to the other stargazing sams.
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by RikkuGirl »

Oh! I want her! D: I will need to ponder this :3
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

Bolt: *sitting beside Leone* You silly little dragonet, that's not Leo! That's the Fan-Tail Draco. Momma used to tell me stories 'bout him and how some mean ol' magical critter tried to turn 'im into a moth. It was always one 'a my favorites 'cuz instead of a moth, he turned into a Samanayr and learned how ta' teleport. He was always really afraid that ever'one'd laugh at 'em though, so he ran away an' used his new ability to hide. S'posedly that's how the Minayrs got created. Or... That's how I heard it. Eh. It really did sound more excitin' and realistic when I was a foal.

Leone: *distracted by a moth*


More detail, not my actual entry for that reason: ... rscopy.png
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Orasteele »


Mystic of the Eager waves glances up at the skies looking for the mare who lives in all elements water, air, and earth.
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by RikkuGirl »

Waltz and I looked at this picture and then just couldnt help but see our prize in the stars! With a few re-uses of a few dots we were able to come up with this :) Hopefully its ok! We arent sure if it was ok to curve our lines THAT much.. but we thought we would try.

WOW guys all of your pictures are so wonderful! Im so excited to see who wins! Good luck to everyone! :)

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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by cassiadawn »

Impression of the Skies Aflame glazes up into the sky. "Oh!" she exclaims, "I see a Mystery leaping among the stars." She stops, and then pouts. "Well, that hardly seems fair - she doesn't have wings, yet she can play up in the sky with all the pretty stars. How ever did she get up there? I want to play too!"


Just the lines, for clarity: Image
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Rekyrem »


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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by CosmicDragon »


With wide eyes, a silent Echo watched the stars pass overhead. The rest of their song slept deeply around the mare, Plunge curled against her side, and he grumbled as she nudged him awake. "Wake up, wake up... I can see it!" Half-asleep, her stallion looked to the sky, surprised by how clear it was in an area usually swimming with fog... The perfect night for stargazing, unfortunately. Murmuring, he shook his head. "Mmmmrm... see what, deayr heayrt?" Almost eagerly, the usually quite mare pointed out a cluster of stars with one snow-white wing tip.

"Theyre, the stallion you told me about." She drew lines between the flickering points of white light. "The aquatic who ran to the stars to escape his broken heart..." Her voice turned soft and wistful, and with a silent sigh Plunge looked at the figure she had outlined. "That's not quite how I told it, deayr heayrt." He moved slightly, wrapping one leathery wing around his mare. "Theyre was a stallion whose heayrt was byroken by the mayre he had devoted his life to wooing, when she left him foyr a land-walkeyr. He neveyr wanted to enduyre such pain again, so he ran to the stayrs, taking his last teayr as a remindeyr of the pain love can byring." With a worried look on her face, Echo nuzzled into the brilliant red mane-tuft of her stallion. "But love isn't painful..." The words were sure, but Plunge pulled her even closer with a tug of his wing, a deep look in his normally carefree eyes. "I think it would huyrt veyry, veyry much if you weyre to leave me, deayr heayrt..." The words were a mere breathless whisper, and the pale mare hitched a breath, pulling her face from his hair to rub her nose against his warmly. "Neveyr."
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Pristine »


"Mummy, mummy, what's that conshulashun up there?" the filly of the Song of Exuberant Mayhem asked in a curious, squeaky voice.

"It's the words 'Go to sleep' written in giant, glowing letters, just for you," her mum remarked sourly, popping open an eye to glare at her offspring pointedly. When the plaintive, watery eyes of the filly met hers and begged her to give a real answer, Peril huffed.

"There once was a glorious Samanayr... make that a Lamanayr. There once was a glorious Lamanayr - he was glorious because he was SO annoyingly colorful, you see, he practically burned the retinas of those he came into contact with - who flew all over the lands boasting of his hideously 'beautiful' plumage and mastery of flight. Most Samanayrs just scoffed at him, though, and he eventually became sullen but eager to prove his worth.

One dark night, he climbed and climbed and climbed into the sky until he was among the stars, and he called out over all of the sleeping Samanayrs, screeching and squawking and waking everyone up rather than going to sleep like a good Samanayr," irritation crept into her voice.

"What happened then?" the filly didn't even blink, so enraptured was she with the story. Peril shifted onto her side, finding a more comfortable position for herself.

"... An Oquiesa* jumped up into the sky and ate him."

"What?!" the filly squealed.

"All that was left was a feather."


"If you're not quiet or don't go to sleep, your father will probably sic an Oquiesa on you, too." Peril rumbled and rolled over, quickly falling asleep and leaving her wide-eyed filly to shiver quietly in fright the rest of the night.

*I have no idea how to spell the name of the dogs that I think are predators of the Samanayrs. Couldn't find it spelled anywhere. Hopefully it's close :P
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Seren »


So there's NO WAY I'm winning this. But my computer's fritzing, and Paint and Gimp arent working. I had a good mental image for this..Anyway, might as well enter.

The little lone dragonet raised his left head to stare up at the wide open sky, his pale blue eyes bright in the starlight, tilting his fine head as he focused on a cluster of etherly stars. He made a delighted little churring noise, and nudged his dozing companion beside him, who rose his head... coming from the same curled up body. The right head turned and gave him an irritated look, with narrowed eyes, opening his beak with a low sound.
"Oh, Dianus, do not make such a not-nice face."
"You woke me up! I going back to sleep."
"I see me in the stayrs! Look! Look!"
Ianus, the left head, nudged the grumpy waker, and pointed with his beak-like snout to the cluster far above.
"You see us."
"Oh, look, you ayre theyre behind me too. I look gyreat!"
"We look gyreat!"
"That's what I said!"
Dianus huffed and muttered in his mind to his other half.
Ianus shot back in his mind, shaking his delicately shaped head, and looking back at the stars, letting out a soft audible sigh at the beauty of the sky above. A lone dragonet like Janus would normally feel lonely, but he had himself, and so was content to be that way and stare at the sky for now. Above the mirror image of themselves twinkled and danced in the sky with all the other fantastic constellations all with their own story.

OOC: Failure. XD Sorry~ Oh well. Janus is his name, but in their minds they have their own nicknames for each other.
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Pathos »

Outcast of the Twin Worlds sees a silhouette in the stars, it looks like an aquatic Sam! With a great fin down his back, just like hers!

Perhaps he is up there, watching over her from the heavens?

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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Echos »

Offical entry
"What nonsense," Seeker grumbled looking up at the wash of lights that blanketed the sky, "The only images found in the stars are those that we project to make sense of something large than we can easily conceive. However the true patterns are really quite simple if you take the time to proper...

Echos: *elbows*


"But if you really insist in such fantasies..." he continued reluctantly. "I would say that those stars there appear form the head of a sleeping dragon, it wings folded over the coils of body."

Unoffical Entry

"That's ridiculous," Glance retored, rearing up so she could proudly trace the stars with her hooves. "That's not a dragon! That obviously an unhappy dancing radish!


((Sorry, couldn't resist. I just couldn't stop seeing this when I was working. Poor Glance isn't the brightest tool in the shed. Pretty and sweet but a little simple.))
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by AsaraDragon »


So, basically, it's a Samanayr (deer?) with antlers and faery wings? I think? XD
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by HybridSiren »

The monster in the sky. Foretold by all mothers and older siblings, this four-eyed, fanged, horned demon came from the deepest place in your subconscious, for the sole purpose to take your innocence in whatever way it wants. You are its creator. It shall feed off of you like a parasite, gnawing away at your sanity.
It's form is different to each receiver, but there are certain aspects that are shared by all shambling, frightened victims. Four eyes. Fangs. Horns. The indescribable want it has for your sanity and innocence. It's a monster. It takes the form you fear most. And it will come for you.
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by silvermoondragon »

Luminosity of the Blue Sun sat round a campfire listening to the tales of an old and grizzled Samanayr. The Festival of Falling Stars had brought many different types of Samanayrs, but this one had the most interesting stories to tell...

"You see those stayrs up theyre? A long long time ago, Samanayr-kin were yruled over by a cyruel and poweyrful Miseyry, that theyre clusteyr on the left," he said pointing up at the skies above:
"Theyre weyre many hayrdships faced by the Samanayrs of that time, and no one seemed able to stand up to theiyr yruler until YRider. That little cluster theyre on the yright. At the time he was just an oyrdinayry Samanayr like eveyryone else, but he had a dyream of a peaceful woyrld. Many times he had looked up towards the biyrds yroosting ubove his Song, longing for theiyr styrength and poweyr so that he might be able to face the Miseyry king. One day he made up his mind and climbed up the cliff face and leapt upon the back of the gyreat biyrd, his styrong will taming it's wild natuyre. United, the two flew off to the Miseyry's laiyr..."

The story paused as the teller began to stare off into the distance. "What happened next?" cried Luminosity. "Eeh? What?" said the old Samanayr, seemingly forgetting all about the tale and what he was doing here, "I don't know what you mean..."
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Puuka »

Rarely does Treader of the Fathomless Fissures visit the surface of his ocean home. He prefers to spend his days in the dark depths with his beloved Mare. When a hunt does take him to the shallows, he often finds himself gazing at the stars, which always seem to for the the same image for him. A mare he misses more than anything when they are apart, his mother; Healer of Shattered Spirits


And, the stars I used for clarification. :3

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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Janalee »

"Why, it's the fiyrst Stoyrytelleyr, of couyrse!"
Unfurling paused for a moment, unconsciously striking a more catlike pose even as she continued looking upwards at the constellation; it seemed her own training as a storyteller carried over into all aspects of her life, at least to some degree.
"Befoyre, theyre weyre only some Song stoyries, which weyren't shayred with all the Samanayrs. And then she came along- no one knew fyrom whence she came, or even wheyre she was tyrying to go. Some thought she came from the deseyrt, with heyr pawed feet and feline tail; otheyrs claimed heyr puyre black coloyr, except foyr one faint biyrthmark on heyr shouldeyr that you can still see theyre, made it moyre likely that she came fyrom a deep foyrest. She neveyr said- they only knew that she was collecting and shayring stoyries. And what stoyries they weyre! The gods themselves would listen to them enyraptuyred; and so, when she died, they placed heyr in the stayrs, to oveyrsee all the stoyries in the night sky as she lies theyre cat-like, gazing at them. Shooting stayrs, they say, are heyr doing, as she adds to the constellations' tales...and since theyre is a payrticulayrly heavy meteoyr showeyr that oyriginates in heyr constellation eveyry yeayr, I'm inclined to agyree."
She smiled wistfully, before drawing up with the realization that she had forgotten something.
"Oh! And you see the line of byright stayrs that follow the cuyrve of heyr tail? Those ayre the bells that she woyre for heyr costume; they weyre of diffeyrent tones, and on slightly diffeyrent lengths of yribbon, so depending on how she moved heyr tail, she could cyreate anything fyrom a soothing lullaby to a tense tyrill. It's because of heyr customs that Stoyrytelleyrs ayre how they ayre today."
Unfurling paused once again, just to make sure she had remembered everything. Satisfied, she flicked the baubles attached to her own tail, just to hear their dulled metallic clickings and feel an even deeper connection with the stars above her.
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - connect the dots!

Post by Sushidragon »

So many pictures to find in the stars! Abode is grateful that you all took the time to do some stargazing with her - there's so much to see up there! I also enjoyed the little stories that some of you included - it's always fun to experience these little snippets of Samanayr life and see how they react to these events XD

Here's our winners and the designs they submitted!
First place - Puuka!

Second place - Echos!

Third place - Pristine!
Thanks to everyone for playing, and congrats to our winners :D
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - results!

Post by Puuka »

*squee!* I'm so excited! I was really really hoping to win this one. Abode is one of my favorite of the Guest Drawn Sams. Delicious, you did a really great job with her.

I'm curious, what are her traits? Is that some kind of perennial growth (coral) or is it like, a mane? Either way, she is so neat to look at. :D

Echos and Pristine, congrats to you both too!

There were some awesome entries in this contest, I really enjoyed seeing the different interpretations of the stars. <3
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - results!

Post by Delicious »

Puuka wrote:I'm curious, what are her traits? Is that some kind of perennial growth (coral) or is it like, a mane? Either way, she is so neat to look at. :D
No back mane, since she's not a Misery. But it is a sort of like perennial growth, but is actually a full time (non seasonal) growth, a florae mini kelp forest. Other than that her traits should be should be pudgy, velveted fur, ottertail, florae (kelp). :) So glad you like her! <3
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Re: Cancer - Stargazing by Moonlight - results!

Post by Echos »

Congrats Puuka! Not that I'm really surprised, your entry was beautifully drawn as usual. It really looks like a constellation, all flowy and stylized.

I'm so happy I won the little crabby girl. She is my absolute favorite of all the prizes. Thank you very much!

And Pristine, your story was hilarious! I can't wait to see who you decide to give the Bone Mask amulet to - congrats!
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