"Grrrowl..." A loud low rumbling came from Sheen of Black Ice's tummy.
"grrr... grrr.. grrrrrooowl!" Louder this time, he was absolutely starving. Being a loner; without a song of his own, it was difficult to find food for himself some days. Today was one of those days. Through the thick forest he roamed, looking for some rogue berry patch. Even some tender new sprouts would be delicious. Anything but the dry leaves and needles on the tall trees that made up these woods, or the dead ones that littered the ground.
Sheen was the type of Samanayr to get lost in daydreams, and as he ambled along doing just that, the sun began to set behind the horizon. He hardly noticed the darkening sky until there was no longer any light to search for food by. He was not a coward by nature, but he was not stupid either. There were dangers in the forest for a lone Sam, even a strong stallion like himself. He was still hungry, having only found a few small strawberries on a hidden bush, but he resigned himself to a dinner of dry leaves and twigs, and headed toward the cave he called home.
As he was walking, Sheen began to fear the looming shadows, and what might be lurking behind them. He knew it wasn't safe here at this time, and wondered why he had allowed himself to stay out this late in the first place.
"Crack!" he heard from behind a tree very close to Sheen. his hair stood on end and he froze in place. "A predator?" he wondered. But he didn't dare stay around long enough to find out. He took off running - fast as his legs could carry him.
Lost in his fear, Sheen didn't care about where he was going, just that he was getting there. Out of the woods and away from the direction from home, he ran past several natural hot springs and the Samanayrs that still lingered in their inviting waters. Until "Bam!" headlong he went into a lovely brightly coloured winged mare and darker horned stallion. The three of them tumbled into a mess of hooves, fur and feathers. This collision was enough to knock him from his panic, and back into reality. Once he'd realized what he'd done, and that he was sitting on top of a disgruntled looking stallion, he swiftly regained his footing with a quickly spoken "Oh! I'm so verey verey sorry!" He stretched out a leg to help the Mare to her feet.