Dive Rikku! Pick Dive! XD
Okay, but that reminds me... It's time to look for possible stallions for Dive!
Dive of the Melting Glacier in a word: Daredevil. She loves to live life on the edge, and she often doesn't realize she's in danger. She loves flying and going fast, zipping around like crazy, and has a hard time slowing down... but that's the job today! Finding a stallion to make her slow down some and enjoy life!
Dive (When I managed to catch her and ask her) says these are traits she likes in stallions:
- I love wings! Especially draconic. If a guy wasn't winged, he'd have to be fast... or strong!

-look at the silly smiley I did Seren- Okay continuing...
-I like all sorts of colors! But I like colors kind of like mine: whites, purples, blues, reds, reddish tones (Orange would be cool!) and black! Even though I don't have any, I like black!
If a stallion wasn't those colors, He'd have to be colorful so I can spot him when I'm way up high!
-I love my dragonet Chinook... and I love pets of any sorts, especially dragonets! I'd love to breed super fast dragonets, and maybe become a trainer one day!
-Seren says I need to slow down, and that I get myself in trouble... so stallions that could be firm with me would probably be a good idea!

*giggles* I love these faces!
Focus Dive.
-I love pretty things! A stallion with a good eye for nice things would be nice!
-I don't have to be first, but I'd like to be first or second, I suppose. :3 Third or fourth would be okay, but I'm interested in slowing down (shhh! Don't tell anyone!) and spending some one-on-one time. I don't need to be the only mare, of course! If a stallion wanted to continue a song later, I wouldn't mind...
as long as I got to fly!
Silly faces!
Seren: Please help me. >>