Thank you so much everyone for playing and thank you all for your patience. I know this was a long event but I hope it was worth it Enjoy your prizes, I'll PM Sushi a list of who got what and all the Sams will be certed when she get a chance.
Those of you who won mini pets make sure to post a name for your pet in the Do Stuff for Me board, the mini pets can't be added to your inventory unnamed
Oh my goodness! She's just so precious! I love her expression and all those holly berries! Eek! I just adore her! XD It's fun to get guest artist Samanayrs. :3 *squee* Thank you amazon! And oak for drawing her!
Last edited by Seren on Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hmmmm I don't know what to do with my gleamstone. I'm still really new to Sams. I know it's a trade in item. This was so much fun though, and I'm glad I got to spend time with you all.
*unties the silky brown bow and tears away the pink wrapping paper* Oho, a Gleamstone? My patience has indeed been rewarded, as this tradeable item shall prove itself to be valuable towards a future trade I have in mind.
Congratulations everyone for your own marvellous prizes- Samanayrs, pets, modiems and tradeable items -either taken from the pile of presents or stolen from another of the twelve players fair and square! You all made this a lot of fun. Of course, thank you very much for hosting the White Elephant gift exchange, amazondreamer. You did an excellent job, balancing between making sure everything stayed organized and keeping the merry madness that sporadically erupted in check. I had never participated in this type of holiday game before, and I'm sure glad that I did now!
I think Delight and Prickle were two of my favorite Sams to draw in this batch, and I'm happy you two like them! I also hope Surprise makes Kagari happy!
...And then there's the pets and modiems and tradables and... this looked fun! ^_^
Last edited by oakleafwolf on Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.