How the game will be played:
- Before the game begins I will take a roll-call. If a player is not in attendance I’ll make the call for standby players to take their place.
- The twelve players will be randomly numbered off and I will post the list of twelve wrapped presents. The first player has their choice of presents from the pile, but they don’t get to unwrap it yet.
- Once a player has made their selection I will repost the list and successive players will have their choice of presents from the pile or they can steal a present from another player!
- If a present is stolen from you, you can either steal from a different player (no steal-backs) or chose another present from the pile.
- A warning though, the wrapping paper is delicate and may tear apart during theft! If this happens the thief receives the contents of the present, it cannot be stolen from them.
- The game ends when all the presents from the pile have been selected. All the presents will open to reveal their contents!
To enter please PM amazondreamer with the subject “White Elephant”. Forms sent to Sushidragon may get lost.
Code: Select all
[b]Do you understand that active participation is required for this game, and if you are not online and ready to play at the start of the game your spot may be offered to another user?[/b]