Username: RikkuGirl
Sam #1's name: Flare of the Guiding Star
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 0768
Sam #2's name: Princess of the Bard's Tales
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 506
Sam #3's name (optional):
Sam #3's ID or image URL (optional):
One-use items (if any): Dark Heart Chocolates
Do you have all applicable permissions? YES!!!! Thank you Nighthenge; Jennalyn; Britain; Pristine for allowing me to choose amongst your AMAZING sams. <3

WOW! >_>; I am going to plan my next splice RIGHT after this one is done. lol That way I will be set next time ._.; I got a last min message from Nighthenge and well.... It is DONE! lol Flare was EXACTLY what I wanted from the get go! Thank you to all those who gave me permission to use their Sams! I appreciate the chance to choose between them. I was going to add Arc in there too... but.. Flare has the antlers that I wanted as well... so.. More chances with just two sams :3
I apologize for being so indecisive.
@ Jaes - I KNOW! xD I love his traits and his demeanor and his colors.. >_> Just gorgeous. I think they will be my next one. o-o; And next time, I will try for the 3 sams. lol!!! xD Throw misery in there too ;3 If you get this in time, hit up Britain if youd like to use Arc xD <333
Who of my sams are already used (To my knowledge xD)
Misery of the Frozen Stream - Tierasa
Icies of the Gelid Effulgence - ToxicK711
Depths of the Endless Horizon - ToxicK711
All of my sams are available and DO NOT NEED MY PERMISSION To be used in THIS SPLICE EVENT
All you last min people, feel free to use mine if no one can be contacted!!!
Click the link in my sig to go straight to my sams! :3)
*** Please be sure to check the other entrants to make sure they are not already being used <3
Thank you and good luck to everyone! Thank you sushi for allowing me to adjust my entry ^^