Okay, we had such a GORGEOUS batch of foals, and I'm so happy to have my second Sam and my first filly!
But I'm having such a hard time coming up with names! For fun, I've come up with some random Sam names in the past... but none would suit her! <<
So, I'm going to cheat (?) and ask for some name ideas. If you'd like to submit a full name, that's fine, but I'll probably tweak things ad give it at least a bit of my own...
Pride: Tsk tsk. Lazzzzzzyyyyy.
Pride: *sticks out tongue* Just continue.
Fine. Alright alright, so mostly, I'd just like random words that you think should factor into her name!
Her parents are Chilling of Glacial Skies and Plunge of Burning Skies.
So yes, Skies may factor into the name. XD
Thanks for your help! ^__^
....I'm so lazy. *facepalm*