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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Janalee »

      Calamity fixed her eyes eagerly on Glint and the Northern Song as the situation was explained more fully to them, delighting in the thought of a large falcon and the battle it could provide...until he went over their potential plans. Diplomacy. The word itself bored her, and she turned her disenchanted gaze back towards the crowd instead, hardly listening to the rest of the talk as she pondered. Well, there still was the trip there, which certainly had potential enough, and no guarantee that diplomacy would get anywhere either; yes, it could still be worthwhile.
      As the group asked its questions, the mare found her interest piquing again; even just given their various interjections now, it sounded like the day should indeed be entertaining enough. The frenzied calls for flight against the falcon amused her most of all, especially given how many of those who seemed most able to fight were wingless; though, given the number of harmless-looking pets who were there, she couldn't say she was really surprised by it. Only the Misery's offer of aid was truly unexpected; for some reason, he seemed to be trying to deny what he was. She couldn't place what kind of ulterior motive he could have for that, but she did enjoy her surprises; he might be a fun one to tease along the way. She send a brief, sly smile in his general direction, not long enough for anyone to be sure it was meant for him, before speaking nonchalantly to Glint.
      "I'm suyre theyre ayre those among us who can keep things wayrm enough without any extyra geayr, if that is a conceyrn; the less we need the cayrry, the fasteyr we can go."
      Finishing what could be construed as an offer of help, she nodded at the Mystic mare almost affably, hoping that she was right in assuming that she had some fire magic as well; she might not have offered anything at all, even to match the Misery's statement, if she didn't think she could pawn off some of the work on someone else.

((I actually have no idea what exactly a Balefire Elemental can I guess I've just been treating it as a hotter form of fire for the moment. *smiles sheepishly*))
Last edited by Janalee on Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by RikkuGirl »

Chilling nodded to Spirit who spoke of first aid. She did not think of that. With a twirl of her body she was now facing Spirit. Her mouth opened as if brilliance was about to be emitted only to spill out:

"Gyreat thing theyre is moyre than one byrain functioning here. I wouldn't have thought of that..." She felt a little embarrassed but she kept her composure, giving spirit props for the bright idea. She was not one to stay down for long, so she smiled big and asked.

"What do you suggest?" She asked Spirit hoping for an easy answer.
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Sushidragon »

"What if the great bird feels threatened by the immensity of the group? What if it refuses to speak with us on those terms, or merely takes wing only to return when we have left it's territory?"

Glint tried not to sigh as the harnessed mare spoke. He had hoped to avoid this question if at all possible, because truthfully, he had no idea what they could do if the bird refused to leave, or made difficulty for them. Instead of telling them this, however, he said, "As I said before, should this situation arise, we will deal with it when the time comes. I'm hopeful that the bird will leave of its own accord, or already be gone."

Not to mention that there was always the chance that the Song was overreacting, but he felt it would be in poor taste to mention this before them and the group.

"Without the Shayrians here, what ayre we to do for equipment? I am prepayred to enduyre the cold if I must, but without knowing pyrecisely what we will face or be yrequired to do, how shall we supply ouyrselves?"

A much easier question to answer. Glint puffed his chest forward again and met the mare's eyes. Such delicate rainbow coloration.. but given the close proximity of the black-and-rainbow stallion, she was probably already in a Song.

Oh. And his Song was already full, of course.

"We need no equipment beyond our own hooves and eyes!" he exclaimed dramatically. "The path to the hotspring of the Song of the High Ice is easy enough to navigate, even in the winter. And if worse comes to worse..." Glint swept his head about, taking in the entire gorup. "I would say that we are well equipped to take care of it already!"

"I am a storm mage, and if need be, I can use the winds hold the bird in the air away from us, without damaging or harming it."

The presence of the Misery still made Glint feel a little edgy, but there hadn't been any trouble yet, at least. Glint nodded after the Misery made his offer. "Your talents would be most appreciated in this matter. Thank you." If the Misery was going to be civil, at least for now, there was no reason not to return the favor.

"Clothes should be the only thing you would need, something to keep you wayrm. I can help with food; I am able to find it quite well fyrom above..."

The Lamanayr remained disconcertingly in the air as she spoke, and Glint had to crane his head up to see her. "Clothing shouldn't be an issue, nor should food, at their hotspring is only a couple of hours away. But the offer is most appreciated! Your aerial skills could come in useful."

"Perhaps since we have the Kirins with us they may be able to tell whether the Bird is threatened when we approach, then we can know to spread out into smaller groups to lessen our threat or whether we need to gather together to appear more threatening. The bird may just be hungry or have young of its own to feed, not that we or our foals should be that food, but if that is so, we may be able to help him or her find the food and hunting grounds they need."

Glint shook his head with regret after the Mystic had finished speaking. "I'm not able to sense the emotions of animals. If my colleague Spirit is able to do so, that would be an asset, but I don't think he'd mentioned anything about that..."

Glint glanced at Spirit, who was looking away as a couple more Samanayrs arrived at the clearing. They hadn't had a chance to discuss their respective abilities, so Glint wasn't sure exactly what the other Kirin could do. He hadn't met very many of his kind, and never one who was able to speak to or sense the emotions of regular animals.

"As for tactics, we can discuss that further when we know more about the situation."

A sudden commotion interrupted the ordered questions as the white catgryph arrived. Glint recognized the Desert stallion as a relation of Bloom's, although he couldn't remember what the actual relation was. As Bloom joined him, he longed to ask her to quiet herself and act more like one of the Song of the Rainbow, but he didn't dare do so. Instead he just hissed at her out of the corner of his mouth and shuffled one of his feet over so that his hoof touched hers. Hopefully that would help to calm her down slightly.

“I mean you no insult, but foals can be foolish. We may yreturn to youyr song to find an injuyred foal in need of help. They may be in a safe place, pyrotected fyrom the biyrd but should they leave that space foyr any yreason, and foals ayre veyry good at coming up with such yreasons they might find themselves in a yrather undesiyreable situation.”

One of the mares of the Northern Song cried out when the fiery Kirin made his comment about the foolishness of foals, but Glint was saved from having to shush her as Shear murmured to his mare, trying to calm her. "Foals are foolish," was the only thing from Shear that Glint was able to catch.

"That is a good point," Glint said, looking around the clearing. There were indeed no Healers in the group, but given their tendency to roam, and their rarity, this wasn't a surprise. "The Sharians will have returned by tomorrow, hopefully earlier in the day rather than later. Should an injury occur, we can work together to bring the foal back here. They do have knowledge of healing magic."

"I'm suyre theyre ayre those among us who can keep things wayrm enough without any extyra geayr, if that is a conceyrn; the less we need the cayrry, the fasteyr we can go."

Glint wasn't entirely sure what to make of the Elemental mare. He remembered that her name had been a single word, and although he couldn't remember which word exactly, that did surely mark her as an Elemental. The blue and white fire of her mane and tail drew his eyes, and he found himself distracted from answering for a moment as it flickered and danced.

Shaking his head slightly, Glint drew his gaze back to her unsettling, pure red eyes. "Warmth shouldn't be too much of a concern. If all goes well, we shouldn't be there for too long, and it's not much colder at their hotspring than here. However, any extra, er, 'warmth' would be welcome."

That seemed to be the end of the questions and comments directed at him, although there was a low murmur of conversation through the group. Several Samanayrs left, apparently having decided that this expedition was not their taste after all. Glint stood there for a moment, waiting to see if any other questions would be directed at him. When there weren't, he spoke again, raising his voice to be heard over the whispered (and otherwise) conversations.

"It is a two-hour journey in each direction at a trotting pace, so if we move quickly we should be back here before nightfall. If that's all, then off we go!"

The Song of the High Ice, now rested and eager to be reunited with their foals, joined the group. Bloom moved to join them, but before Glint could lose his nerve, he stood before her.

"I would like you to remain here with the other mares of the Song," he said quickly, relieved that his voice didn't come out any higher than usual. "I could not forgive myself if anything happened to you."

Without waiting for a response, Glint wheeled and ran down the wooden steps of the Headquarters, taking his place at the head of the group. With a deep series of notes that signalled the beginning of a journey, he began to trot down the snowy forested path, heading west.

((I really like the idea of using colors for the speech of different characters XD Should I start doing that for Glint?

@Origami - I don't have a problem with you playing both of them, but it's very in-character of Glint to make his mares stay behind while he goes off and does his stallion work XD

@silvermoondragon - In addition to their telepathy, Kirins also have an additional mental ability, such as telekenesis, empathy, etc. Since I didn't give Spirit one when you first got him, you can decide what else he can do!

@Janalee - Yeah, I hadn't really thought of that either XD; I imagine she'd have fire-related abilities like a Fire elemental with some of the nastiness of the Demon elemental, maybe with something else fancy in there, if you can think of something. Oh, and don't get her wet!))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Pathos »

Noticing Glint's open appreciation of Reflection, Tyger narrowed his eyes and puffed out his chest, taking a small step forward. He knew the other stallion had a full Song and that he was most likely above pilfering other stallions' mares, but still, the not-quite-challenge raised Tyger's dominant instincts. Clamping down hard on those instincts, Tyger shook himself hard and turned to flash a smile at Reflection;

"Well I guess that answers that, don't worry, I can keep you warm if you need! Shall we go?"

He turned and briskly trotted off, joining the group at a respectful distance, careful to keep a close eye on Reflection, should there be another male that might get a little too close...
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by silvermoondragon »

      As Glint headed off down the steps signalling the start of the journey, Spirit, after impressing upon S'qui that it was very important that he stay close by and out of the way of the other Samanayrs, ran over to catch up.

      Spirit had not seen another kirin since his mother had died those many moons ago and was excited to once more have another kirin to speak with. He knew Glint would probably have other things to think about being the leader of both this expedition and of the Samanayr-kin, but he hoped they might have a chance to talk, if not now perhaps after they had saved the song from the giant bird. Taking a quick glance behind him, he watched as the other Samanayrs taking part in the journey fell into place behind them, streaming out in a ribbon of rainbow colours.
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by CosmicDragon »

A distinctly unappeased huff worked it's way out of the mare, one ear flicking as though to shoo away a non-existent fly. "In other words, he knows there is a distinct chance he may have to attack the poor creature, but he's trying to avoid saying it out loud…" She muttered under her breath, speaking only to herself though no doubt any Sam close enough with particularly good hearing would have heard her.

Despite her misgivings and her growing confusion about exactly whose side she was on, Odyssey listen with varying levels of attention to the other questions and their respective answers. She knew she probably should have questioned the length of the journey, and whether all the group was suited to the cold, as some of the others were doing. But none of these had occurred to her, possibly because she was used to journeying alone, not having to worry about the needs of others.

By the end of the rally of questions, concerns, and the few unexpected offers of help, Odyssey had decided she would accompany the group if for no better reason than to make sure that the situation didn't erupt into violence. She took off after the rainbow stallion, coming into step quite close to the only other Kirin in the group in her efforts to keep as close to the front of the crowd as she could. She shrugged her harness into a more comfortable position on her back before settling into a comfortable, effortless trot.
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by AsaraDragon »

Reflection preened just a little bit under the appreciative gaze of both stallions. She twitched her tail and shook her mane to make her ornaments sparkle in the light. But when Tyger smiled at her, she couldn't help but smile back, and cuddle up to him closely. He was such a dashing figure of a stallion!

"I shall not be worried at all, with you here," she said to him quietly, hoping to reassure him that her affections would not stray.

As he dashed off after the group, she smiled again to herself and followed quickly after him, so as not to be left behind. There were important things that needed to be done!
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Esperanza »

Bloom turned her body toward the direction that the crowd of samanayrs were moving. She began to trot after them swiftly, disappearing into the crowd as Glint began to lead them. "Two hours?" She thought to herself, "Hm, 2 hours of not being bored. Wonderful" She smiled cheerfully to herself. She began to hum quietly, prancing along the path.
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Origami_Dragon »

((*eyes Bloom and ponders* And Celestial...weren't you playing Gem? Where'd Bloom come from?))

As Glint nudged her and hissed warningly Bloom snorted at him and tossed her head. Time was wasting and he was being silly. As he finally finished talking she turned to trot down the steps to join the main group when suddenly Glint was in front of her. She backed slightly, eyes narrowing unhappily as she looked down at her stallion. They went wide very quickly as he briefly told her to stay and then took off before she could gather herself to retaliate.

She stared out over the sea of Sams as he vanished into it, heading for the front of the crowd. Stay? Rearing back she shrilled angrily after him, screaming at him with her mind, though she had no idea if he was even listening to anyone in a crowd this big. What if something happens to you then? How do you think I'll feel, we'll feel? Why can you take them and not us?

Almost, almost Bloom joined the tail end of the group. He'd not likely notice her back there until it was too late to send her back. But a little nagging tickle at the back of her mind whispered that she was the lead mare; that meant that when he was gone...she was supposed to lead in his place until he returned, didn't it? With a sad whistle she sat down on the platform where Glint had been lounging earlier and stared after the group, determined to wait there for them to return.

Below, still on the edge of the crowd, Gyre had missed some of the conversations following Moonlight's arrival as he tried to comfort and calm his catgryph. She had quickly stopped her screaming at him, but she was still sulking as she flopped on his back facing away from him. Gyre was craining around trying to see her when he heard the notes calling the group to leave.

The young stallion looked up, startled, He'd thought the questions were still flying, but instead everyone was heading off down a path into the woods. With a soft yelp he took off, floundering slightly in the snow until he reached the area already cleared by countless hooves trampling over it. Fearing being left behind he stepped up the pace, perhaps a bit too much as he found himself slipping and sliding on the still slick ground as he fought to avoid crashing into anyone else. Having tuned out the discussion in order to placate his pet...Gyre had no idea how long this was likely to take, so he resigned himself to a day of running. At least the exertion and Moonlight would help to keep him warm despite his own lack of body fur.

((Bloom isn't saying anything out loud, just mentally yelling or trying to think really loud...or whatever she thinks might make Glint hear her. And since she has no abilities...anyone telepathic could potentially hear her I'm sure.))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Janalee »

      The Elemental mare nearly laughed as Glint paused and then stressed the word 'warmth' in his response; apparently he understood her better than she thought. The exact powers of the Kirin were still a mystery to her, but at the mention of sensing emotions, she felt herself growing a bit wary; it might be best to keep her distance from them for the time being, lest she get kicked out of the group before she'd had a chance to really enjoy them. As both of the Kirin stallions took the lead, she breathed a slight sigh of relief to herself, before focusing on what to do next.
      One more quick glance over the remaining Samanayrs was all Calamity needed to decide that question, and once more she found herself resisting the urge to laugh. Two Mystics and a Misery this close together- surely they had set that up just for her. How to force them close enough to each other that they'd have to interact though was tricky; if Glint was to be believed, which she was starting to doubt given how easy he was making this trip sound, she wouldn't have much time to work with. Two hours might be enough though, if she was lucky; and at least the attempt would keep her entertained for the time being.
      She shuffled her position in the group to try and end up trotting close to the Mystic mare, feeling that she would probably be the hardest one to win over. Humming tunelessly, she switched between looking at the coming scenery and at the other mare frequently, attempting to look friendly enough without coming on too strongly.

((Yeah, she certainly isn't a good girl. *grins, and laughs* I suppose I'll have to try and get a water Elemental to keep her in line...or is that implying something for the coming storyline? XP
And I've always liked changing the font color for speech myself, but it's up to you; it certainly helped with the synopsis of questions anyway. ^^))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Esperanza »

((Haha. I must of been reading over the other posts and accidently typed Bloom. *fails epically* ))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Tervenna »

Fissure merely watched and listened as several of the other samanayrs expressed concerns about the challenge ahead. A few made her roll her eyes, but she managed to keep her thoughts to herself. One or two of the volunteers were quite interesting, though, and she decided she would could her eye on them. That elemental, for one, looked like she might be quite amusing.

As none had made any move towards her, and a few had shown the usual trepidation she encountered from samanayrs, the sa'krien moved towards Glint.

"Where would you like me to travel? I do not wish to distract the others too much, would you prefer I stay up front, or take the rear? Or perhaps, range out to either side?" She glanced back over the group, and spoke a touch louder. "Unless someone is brave enough to walk with me?" She grinned, a mischievous gleam in her eye.
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Esperanza »

Gem glanced around when she heard the sliding of hooves, which had interrupted her humming. She then fount the source of the noise, a young stallion who must of not noticed the big group that was beginning to take off. She looked at him and smiled, small giggles coming from her. She watched him for a few more seconds and then looked back infront of her to make sure she wasn't going to run into anyone. She shivered slightly, being hairless wasn't exactly good in the winter. But she still tried to make the best of a bad situation and ignored the cold.
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Echos »

Ferocity had listened to the concerns and talk of the other sams attentively, keeping her own opinions closely in check. She'd learned early on that most people didn't like being told they were being silly worry warts and since some of what was being discussed was valid she figured it best to keep quiet. Instead she'd spent her time summing up the rest of the crowd and coming to her own conclusions of who would be the most helpful on their mission. A flame colored pile of fur caught her eye and she spotted the kirin stallion that the other sams must have been referring to earlier. She'd rarely come across kirin's on her travels and had found them to be interesting company - you never quite knew what to expect and some ha a disconcerting habit of skimming thoughts. She might approach him later but for now she decided to hang near the back of the crowd that was following Glint through the hotsprings and chat with some of her more common fellows in the crowd.

Avoiding the Misery stallion she dropped back a little until she was trotting next to very pretty white mare whose coat was spotted with lovely rainbow spots. Delicate butterfly wings fluttered from the mares shoulders and Ferocity found herself envying the mares classic beauty. Pushing the unfair thoughts away she offered the mare a friendly smile and introduce herself, "Hello I'm Ferocity of the Flowing Lava. Are you from around here?"
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by LvSoulFriend »

Misery felt a bit relived when Glint thanked him for his offer. He had been half-afraid that he would be asked to leave, and perhaps chased off. But he hadn't, and that was the important thing right now. Once Glint started off, he took to the air, easily flying off to one side of the group. There were at least two Mystic with them, and he knew, from experience, that Mystics did not take kindly to his type. He sighed softly then, and concentrated on keeping a steady beat, and not getting too far away from the rest.

Wistfully he thought of his mares. The fact that he had not one, but two mares, who were interested in him, and loved him, meant the world to him. He half wished they were here, but at the same time, was glad that they weren't. No need for them to see how others would react to the fact that he had a Song, and mares who loved him. He shook his head then, getting rid of the memories, and focused on the mission at hand.

((Apologies if this comes off as rambling and not all there. Feeling so yucky, that Misery doesn't want anything to do with me right now XD ))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Sushidragon »

(( Question time! Would you like to RP a little on the trip there, or just skip the trip entirely and get to the main event? I'm going to be away for a couple of days starting tomorrow and I don't know if I'll have internet access or the time to make any posts, so now would be a good time if you'd like to do some RP among yourselves. ))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Esperanza »

((I would soarta like to skip to the main event. (: ))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by LvSoulFriend »

((I second that too))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by CosmicDragon »

((I'd love to do a little in-group RP. :D It always good for making in-character bonds, and it can be quite fun besides. But I'm ok with skipping ahead too! XD))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Janalee »

(( I actually wouldn't mind roleplaying the trip there, if you're going to be gone for a few days anyway...I guess if you went straight to the main event now though, it would give everyone plenty of time to write a response to it. *smiles and shrugs* I'm sure I'll be fine either way, since I doubt Calamity's going to be successful in creating any real problems along the way. ))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by amazondreamer »

Helix shifted from foot to foot uneasily. As the snippets of conversation she had over heard were pieced together with Glint’s summation, Helix began to doubt whether she should have volunteered. She was hardly the strongest, or the fastest and the northern climes would be downright in hospitable this time of year. But the panic which strained the Northern mares’ voices steeled her resolve.

Questions and suggestions flitted back and forth, and Helix was surprised to learn the location of the Northern Song’s territory was so close at hand. Apprehensions regarding shelter and food quelled, Helix was relieved when the discussion came to a lull and the call rang out for the group to be underway.

As the multitude of adventures surged forward, Helix found herself pushed along in the middle of the group. She respectfully averted her gaze from what was clearly a private conversation between the rainbow Kirin and one of his mares. A commotion from the back of the group caused Helix to crane her neck around to look. She bit back a smile at the young stallion floundering through the snow. She quickly returned her attention to the path ahead before she was caught staring at the exotic looking stallion.

((My vote would be for holding off on the main event until after you come back from your trip. I’m assuming the climax of the story will take more than one or two posts and I’d rather it didn’t get rushed.))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by RikkuGirl »

(Im down for either so if youd like to skip it, Power to you!)

Chilling nodded in aggreance with Glints words, she blushed as he spoke to her. She was an asset. She puffed herself up with pride and flapped her wings as she waited for movement. Then once Glint was done with his speech he high tailed it and began to run. She flew after him, easily able to move over the thick crowd. She could never understand the frustration of moving in a large group, oh the traffic jams. She happily flew above Glint, helping to lead the way from the sky.

"Im ready!" She said aloud as she rushed after Glint. She was not one to lolly gag.
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by silvermoondragon »

((I'm also good with either, but I think some internal RP would be fun and would be perfect if you're going to be going away for a few days. I'm going to be flying back to Guelph on the 9th anyway so this way I won't miss anything big.))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Sushidragon »

(( Okay, if you guys wouldn't mind too much, I'll hold off on the finale until I'm back. Unfortunately I didn't know we'd be away this weekend when I scheduled the RP, but I knew this would be a busy month anyway XD; We should be back on Saturday or Sunday, and if we have internet access I'll try to check in! Sorry about the delay, and I look forward to finishing off the RP with everyone - it's been a lot of fun so far! ))
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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Post by Puuka »

((I'm sorry I'm coming in so late! I didn't have time to post before. Forgive me for fleshing out my post a bit to catch myself up to the story's current progression. I find it hard to just "jump in" to an RP from nowhere XD ))


Healer of Shattered Spirits was a wanderer, as was the nature of her kind. On this particular day she was wandering fairly close to the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings. A place she enjoyed from time to time, from a distance of course, she was a bit uneasy interacting with Samanayrs who were already happily established in the Song-life. The beauty of this land, currently blanketed in an enchanting snow, was - in her mind - unsurpassed. It also happened to be home to some of the more rare species of medicinal herbs.

Today Healer was dipping her hooves in a small stream, mostly frozen over, that ran from the Hotsprings and down through the valleys below. She was enjoying the crisp chill air of her peaceful winter day looking for a specific kind of waterbourn leaf that had a tendency to pop up between the rocks that littered the creek bed here. As she stepped cautiously among the treacherous pebbles and ice that threatened to trip her and sprain an ankle, she heard commotion coming from behind a thick brush. In fact - this ruckus really, was coming from exactly the direction of the Hotspring proper. What on earth was going on over there? Curious, she set on her way to find out for herself.

Healer peeked her head cautiously from behind a large tree, gnarled with age. She was certainly surprised to see so many Samanayrs gathered in one place, and with such short notice it seemed from the way everyone was talking. She was finding it difficult to gather exactly what had happened from the garbled voice of the group, but from what she understood, someone or someones were in immediate need of rescue and this was the recovering party.

Startled, her eyes fell on the wings of a spectacularly patterned Misery hanging back from the group. Even more startling was the fact that it seemed to bear no malice. Though she had never met a Misery personally, she had healed broken Mares that had faced their atrocities first hand. Another odd apparition caught her eye. An Elemental - or at least the descendant of one, was looking on with an odd look in her eyes. There were even Kirin and - Were those Mystics? In league with a Misery? So it seemed... What fell deed had befallen those in need of assistance of such an odd group?

As she pondered these things, suddenly, the lead stallion - Glint was his name - took to his feet and began marching his party westward. Weary of some of the more intimidating members of this party, Healer conflicted mentally whether she should get involved. Ultimately her heart pushed her to join them. It was her nature after all, to help where help was needed, and besides, any ally of the Song of the Rainbow was an ally of hers. Hurriedly she trotted from her hidden onlook and made her way through the crowd to the group that had already broken away, led by the Rainbowed Kirin Stallion. She wanted to introduce herself properly, though she had encountered his song before - it was so long ago she doubted they would remember her specifically- and to offer her magic, medical, herbal, and anatomical knowledge to the aid of the group, if the need arose.

((I would love if we played through the trip! I think it would allow us to immerse ourselves in the adventure on a more real level. Plus, I enjoy long RP's personally, but then again I tend to ramble. XD ))
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