So sorry to take so long with the results, but here they are at last

68 entries, phew! There ended up being 7 Samanayrs, one each of the 'other' items, some tokens, and a whole bunch of modiems.
Names are listed in alphabetical order, and if you have a number beside your name it means you've won a Samanayr! Check the bottom of the post to see the Sams
-abby- - Breeding modiem
Aholland - Rarity modiem
Aleu - 1028
amazondreamer - Color modiem
anna87 - First place
AsaraDragon - Pattern modiem
Bluestarwolf12 - Small silver coins
Britain - Cupcake
Calzico - Christmas tree
Cameron - Second place
cassiadawn - Trait modiem
CosmicDragon - Trait modiem
Delicious - Heart chocolates
Echos - Silver medal
HybridSiren - Breeding modiem
HylaMae - Trait modiem
Hyzenthlay - Candy cane
Jaes - Species modiem
Janalee - Pattern modiem
jeanstarwind - 1019
Jennalyn - Rarity modiem
Just Purple - Modiem balloon
Kagari - Cupcake
Kahlira - Third place
Katter - Color modiem
Kelsey - 650
Kentouma - Bat clip
Lasreaine - Cupcake
LostDollie - Bronze medal
Luna and Mattlock - Semi-custom token
LvSoulFriend - Color modiem
Mels - Cupcake
Neocridders - Dog collar
Nessus - Breeding modiem
NightFlyer - Trait modiem
Nighthenge - Species modiem
Nova Night - 1022
oakleafwolf - Pumpkin clip
Orasteele - Breeding modiem
Origami_Dragon - Pattern modiem
Pathos - Rarity modiem
PookaWitch - Breeding modiem
Pristine - Cupcake
Puuka - Custom token
Raenia - Rarity modiem
Raitalle - Species modiem
RikkuGirl - Cupcake
RubySophonax - Ghost clip
SarahJane - Breeding modiem
Seren - Rarity modiem
ShayBaby - Semi-custom token
sheltie - 1030
shoshee - Pattern modiem
SilverDapples - Cupcake
silvermoondragon - 1029
SunBlind - Semi-custom pet token
tarakitten - Breeding token
Tasmen - Semi-custom pet token
tbiris - Species modiem
Tervenna - Rarity modiem
tierasa - Bear claw necklace
tsukiclowes - 1021
Varuna - Pattern modiem
Warlock - Color modiem
Willow - Gold medal
Yildun - Species modiem
Yuiven - Semi-custom pet token
Zincht - Trait modiem
And the Samanayrs!
I'll be adding the items to everyone's inventories tomorrow

Congrats everyone!