- I start off passing the potato to someone.
- The person then passes the potato to someone other than the person who gave it to them.
- You must pass the potato within 2 minutes or it gets dropped! If it gets dropped then I'll pass the potato on.
- Pass the potato until I say "STOP!" at a predetermined random time.
- Whoever's holding the potato when the game ends is the winner!

'Two minutes' is calculated as two full minutes from the time it was passed to you, rounded up. So if you were passed the mimic at 5:15, it would be considered dropped with a timestamp of 5:18 or later.
To pass the potato to someone else, make a post with your name and the person you're passing it to in bold. For example:
Janalee to Sushidragon
The game starts at 5:00pm PDT, and ends after five back-to-back rounds. The prizes will remain hidden until the end of each round, but will range from items, to pets, to a Sam! In addition, everyone who participates in the game, be it by passing the potato or just coming in to chat, will be put into a random draw for a lovely Firebird!
So come, have fun, and see you on Friday!

Round 1 winner: Operetta

Round 2 winner: Kagari

Round 3 winner: SunBlind

Round 4 winner: SilverDapples

Round 5 winner: Kentouma

Random draw winner: AranelSaraphim