So I know there is a short time left for the May event, but I figured I'd check to see if I can't find men for a few more of my mares! XD (Obviously my Ruby is off the market, and my little shy girl Peek has a prospective stud in mind)... mostly I'm looking for complimentary or contrasting colors, neat patterns, and interesting traits/combo.
Let's start with the hardest mares first:

Omen is a high energy mare, highly competitive and always on the go. She's a racer by preference. She's sassy and looking for an interesting stud with complimentary/contrasting colors and some interesting traits... and she's going to be VERY picky. She's wanting lead-mare position, preferably in a pair song, though with the right subordinate personalities, she'd be willing to compromise.

Pursuer is intense, but quiet... she too is looking for a man with colors that would compliment/contrast her and some interesting traits, and she is a bit leery of the headmare slot... but she's going to have to get on with the headmare. In fact, she wouldn't be opposed to being subordinate to Omen, but again... they would be VERY picky with their boy...
((These two are the least likely to pair from my bunch...))

Flicker is interested in song with some seasonal flare... she's pretty laid back. Again, her man needs to look good on her 'arm', and she wouldn't mind a man with some awesome wings. Animation would be a definite bonus! She wouldn't mind a second (or longer) generation boy.

Pearl is
really deceptively sweet and cheerful... but really, she's crazier than a bag full of cats! She's unpredictable and vicious, and has been known to almost actively
torture other sam's with a gentle smile on her face! She's manipulative and aggressive, and she's going to need a stallion with a will of steel... and a stomach to match! Definitely looking for some cool patterns for her boy... and something striking colorwise! A Mystic mate (and a willingness to roleplay) or a Sa'krien mate would be nice... or some other interesting specie.