If you have an albino, do they have a technical pattern and color?? I know it's white but like tigers and leopards etc. They are naturally specific colors.
Is albino a primary trait? Like will it always win in the offspring or is it percent like the other traits?
If it is not instant how is the pattern and colors determined? Just curious... What my summer would look if she didn't have the albino trait? Lol
After going through the database, I realized this has never actually come up because apparently no albino Sams have had foals XD
I'm curious to hear other peoples' thoughts about how this should be handled! Maybe there could be Albino and Albino (diluted), which is what foals of albino adults would inherit, which would just dilute the colors of the other parent? Although then the question of what the albino parent's usual colors and markings are... hmmm.
Or I could totally cheat and do it wrong and just pretend they're all pure white XD
In Summer's case I'd say he'd probably be white or mostly white anyway since he's a Northern, and that's a fairly typical coloration for them
O.o her cert says she is a girl... Right? Lol I hope so cause I already have her crush lol. But I'm cool with either option, honestly whatever is easier for you sushi. Bbbuuutttt
I think it would be cool if maybe the babies have a spontaneous color and pattern if they don't inherit the albino trait.... You know for other albino sams lol?? >.> that's just my vote. I'm just saying... ^...^
I was wondering if anyone had an opinion about the albino trait, before I make the poll. :3
I personally am going for:
A 50% chance, if both parents have and 25% if only one has, of being passed down. I think they should be extremely muted colors if not completely white with touches of pink/red (I think this would be the easiest). <3 I adore albino's in nature and I would love for it to be rather close with sams as well (I want to get an albino baby, I won't lie! It is actually next on my Sam Breeding To-Do List, so i'm not trying to have them be impossible but i'm willing to try a few times if I have to <3).
Here are some examples of animals in nature that are albino:
It seems that the animals still have their darker colors they are just washed out so badly.. The elephant and the Rhino (didnt post that) are true testaments to that. They still have ridiculous color but aren't close to white.
Last edited by RikkuGirl on Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Albanism is actually the absence of melanin in the animal (different levels of albinism correlate to different levels of melanin), so in humans (where our primary/only pigment normally is melanin) albinism is pretty intense. Some other animals may have other pigments though, which can result in things like the giraffe or the elephant. :3 I'd assume there could be versions of albinism for each pigment an animal has, and those overlapping could give you total whiteness on an animal with a couple different pigments.
I'd guess that Sams probably have several different pigments, given their massive range of colors, so it could be fun to play with if everyone wanted to go a more complicated route (like what if all the red markings and anything tinted red got turned white, for example) :D
We had a white alligator here in Utah at Hogle Zoo. He was not considered albino, he just had no color pigment to his skin and scales. He had blue eyes.
I think it's different than albino but I'm not 100% sure.
Muted colors and markings sound good to me.
It would also be cool to get a Pied baby.
Yeah, the peacock and python aren't albino, but pied! Similar to the paint gene in horses, and white spotting in cats XD It can also be known as leucism, where the is a loss of pigmentation in the skin, etc. The blue-eyed alligator, not the pink-eyed crocodile, and the giraffe are also leucistic!
The zebra's not albino either, she's got amelanosis, or lack of melanin pigments. It's similar to albinism, but not the same! This zebra is Zoe, and lives in Hawaii on Three Ring Ranch: http://www.threeringranch.org/animals/zoe.html.
Lol thanks for all the info guys!!! Ya pied! That would be a neat trait indeed. I typed this all up quick so i figured it wasn't spot on. Just trying to see what variations everyone would be interested in and those all came up as albino in Google images.
Still need to know though guys...
How do you guys think the trait should work with breeding Sams ?
Gleam of the Winter Bright o353 (albino) x Toss of the Antlered Brow o351
Wind of the Sharp Winter o349 (albino)
Ghost of Colors Faded o414 (albino) x Fire of the Blooming Lily o578
Mist of the Rising Sea o419 (not albino but has white fur)
Fall of the Arctic Snow o418 (albino)
Fall of the Arctic Snow o418 (albino) x Flight of the Stone Phoenix o212
Flash of the Frozen Gem o587 (albino)
Line of the Winter Horizon o643 x Wraith of the Stolen Colors o824 (albino)
Fall of the Silent Snowflake o573 (albino)
And then there's these guys: Mystic of the Liquid Earth o080 x Sweep of Winds Meeting o076
Flash of the Brilliant Light o423 (albino)
Mark of the Jagged Crystals o646 x Run of the Fire Tiger o712
Wraith of the Stolen Colors o824 (albino)
Leaper of the Fire Crystals o637 (not albino but has white in his fur)
Wild x Sand of the Mingling Dunes o716
Purity of Unbroken Snowfall o689 (albino)
So it looks like albinism is not a dominant trait? Maybe it's handled more like color inheritance?
Thank you Jaes!!! xD that is really awesome to have. I'm still so curious about this! I have a pair that I'm really hoping to do for this season but I dont know what the outlines are so I'm a bit uneasy about doing it. ^_^;;;
I'm thinking that the 'albino' trait needs to be called something else, since in the past I've treated it as a color modifier rather than a trait. I didn't really understand albinism when I was younger XD; Maybe it could be called the Bleached trait or something like that - a random mutation that turns a Samanayr completely white with red eyes? There could also be an opposite trait that would turn a Sam completely black XD
White with Red eyes and the other is black with Blue???
Totally a win in my book!!!
If I called it anything I would call it Shade Trait. They are either Full White Spectrum or Black and since black and white are not colors but shades... I just figured it would be a good suggestion.
Dont they have this though for black as well? Cause I could have sworn I saw a black lion or tiger.. but then again, that could have just been photo shopped. ^_^;;;
See... If that is the case then I would see it more as a full trait than a color displacement.
^_^;;; I say Albino stays as the full white with red/pink eyes and we have Melanism for the black with Blue. :3
My vote!!! <3 Thanks for that Elven. I knew there was a trait like that!! I just looked it up too, way more cooler than I thought!! Even squirrels have it! crazy.
ElvenArcher wrote:Yep. It's called Melanism/Melanistic.
I read somewhere recently that there is also one for the red gene. I can't remember what it's called though.
Erythrism. I think the "strawberry" leopards are particularly cool
If you wanted to do all white with dark eyes you could add leucism to the mix too.
ElvenArcher wrote:Yep. It's called Melanism/Melanistic.
I read somewhere recently that there is also one for the red gene. I can't remember what it's called though.
Erythrism. I think the "strawberry" leopards are particularly cool
If you wanted to do all white with dark eyes you could add leucism to the mix too.
Got one of those in the db already! (Leucistic, not Erythrism)
Flash of the Brilliant Light, owned by seraaches
No foals!
Albinism/amelanism would be your white bodies with red eyes.
Leucism would be white bodies with dark/non-red eyes (blue would be possible!).
Melanism would be your black bodies, with any eye color.
Erythrism would be your reddish bodies.