You can continue in the location you’re at or change to a new one for the next round, just remember to bold the location you wish to search!
It really was too bad that the bluff itself wasn’t more colorful! Still, from the ledges on it, Spectrum still had a great view of the dancing rainbows generated by the falls. The air currents and mist rippled in the bright light, entrancing the rainbow elemental, but there was still the matter of a souvenir from the journey...
Turning to the ledge and it’s own riot of color, Spectrum looked for some appropriately colorful. Muzzle deep in the wildflowers on the ledge, she caught a very distinct, intoxicating aroma. With a bit of digging from her spikes, she moved enough greenery out of the way to see a
Sweetscent Flower. Well... it’s not exactly as colorful as one could have hoped, but it’s a good start!
Pulling her head up from the flowers, Spectrum felt an itch in her mane... It appears that a
Rainbow Lamanayr Feather stuck itself to her while she was digging!
At once, Jewel began thinking of the best means for discovering something worth keeping for further study at home. Bringing home the waterfall itself certainly wouldn’t be practical! A single mare couldn’t undertake a pattern-search by herself, and the opportunities to rope in a research assistant were dwindling as the other Samanayrs received their baskets and scattered to search their own locations. Why, even the other aquatic Samanayr decided to search farther downstream!
There was the waterfall itself, still mesmerizing. Drifting unconsciously toward it, Jewel noted the height of the bluff and the way the turbulent water at the base spread out any debris that came over the falls in wide circles. Then there was also the odd, acoustic echo of the water as it reverberated out of the bluff. Pondering the implications of this, Jewel was startled when two, shining
Gleamstones bounced out of the turbulent zone and headed straight toward her!
With a surreptitious look around, Passion check to see if any other Samanayrs had noticed his rather... abrupt... landing. In that quick glance, he didn’t see anyone looking, but just in case, he quickly unruffled himself before moving over to the river for a quick drink.
Lowering his head to lap up some water, Passion caught a flash of bright red, caught between a few cobbles near the edge of the river. Carefully reaching in to extricate it, while trying to keep as much of his fluff dry as possible, he pulled out a pretty little sprig of
Tandil Berries! Using theatrically large gestures, Passion pulled up his prize, looked it over, and placed it into one of the Sharian-supplied baskets. Maybe anyone who saw his descent would think he’d spied the berries and was in a big hurry to scoop them up?
Leaves still slowly drifting down behind her, the little mystic filly squirmed down into the root-formed nook. It was the perfect bed or hidey-hole or any number of things to someone her size. With a little bit of scraping at the bit of dirt and leaves that formed the floor of her shelter, the filly saw a bit of a subtle sheen through the grit. Excited, she dug a little faster, eventually uncovering an entire hunk of
Silver Bark!
The clever little mystic decided to pull the bark up and set it on one of the roots of the tree to get a better look at it before putting it away. It was so smooth! And just a little bit shiny... Just as she was about to stash the bark in her basket and find somewhere else to search, a single
Brown Lamanayr Feather drifted down and settled itself on top of the bark. It must have disguised itself as a leaf when she was playing, earlier!
Moving through the scrubby grasses, Mystic kept an eye out for anything interesting while Burl continued with his agitated muttering in her ear from his position on the harness. It wasn’t until she’d been walking for a few minutes in the unique flora of the bluff when she noticed the dragonet’s complaints had stopped and he was leaning dramatically to one side of the harness. Curious about what had caught the dragonet’s attention, she tried to figure out wheat he was looking at.
As Mystic stepped in the direction that seemed to interest him, he began chattering excitedly again. Ahead, between a gnarled tree and a boulder was a shiny spot of color that almost seemed to glow out of the tough grass of the bluff’s top. As she moved toward the spot, Burl launched himself off of her and returned with a
Sunsnap Flower clutched triumphantly in his mouth.
As the leaves settled around lilac they fluttered prettily in a wide circle around her, reminiscent of those same happy autumns that caused her to stir them up in the first place. This particular location was still warm and sunny with the glow of summer, but it would be autumn again soon...
Looking down at the, now clear, dirt patch in front of her, Lilac noticed a bright green stem poking awkwardly through the soil. How strange! It didn’t seem to be growing, but just sort of poking up there. With a bit of effort, she uncovered more of it until a large section of soil crumbled around some small creature’s forgotten winter cache. It was too late for these to be last winter’s food, and too early to be next winter’s food... so that meant all three springs of
Rosa Berries were free for the taking!
Shifter flitted between the trees of the forest, looking for anything interesting to stop for. The flowers were certainly colorful, and some of the trees had an interesting, spicy-smelling moss growing on them... but what to look for? As she searched, the carry basket stayed securely in place thanks to the good work of the Sharian, and Shifter began to hum to herself a reprise of the expedition song from before.
Distantly, a cooing noise echoed her silly melody.
Surprised, Shifter paused, hovering in midair while she sang her song again, a little louder.
Again, the cooing noise, slightly more shrill this time, from the... left!
Darting off in the direction of the noise, Shifter continued singing and listening for the sound like Find-Me-If-You-Can games that foals play. Eventually, Shifter landed on the branch of a large tree covered in yellow flowers and sang again but there was no answer! Frustrated, she sang again and turned around to try and find it again only to find herself staring into a pair of silver eyes!
A little dragonet cooed Shifter’s song back at her, and then flapped it’s way around and sat on the branch next to her.
The curious fish continued their nosing and nibbling until Summoner began digging in earnest. Her efforts were reasonably clean, but she couldn’t help but stir up the bottom a bit, and the fish fled to a safer distance.
The first boulder she nosed around didn’t turn up much but silt and pebbles, but the second one had a
Gleamstone tucked around one side. Carefully placing it into her water-resistant basket, Summoner turned to look around again, noticing a very large boulder out in mid-stream. A tiny flash near the bottom caught her eye, but the stone was too large to budge.
Digging at it with her front flippers and thrashing with the back ones to stay in place in the river Summoner worked at the stone until eventually she managed to pull her prize out. By now the bottom was too stirred up to see much of anything, so she went top side to check if her find was worth the trouble. Once her head was out of the water, she took a deep breath and held up a whole, intact
Rainbow Lamanayr Feather!
Sunset got his bearings at the top of the bluff, trying to decide how best to search for interesting objects without getting too near the other Samanayr. Heading vaguely upstream to a small copse of trees, he stopped abruptly as something caught his eye. It had
looked like the colors of the setting sun, but that would be ridiculous—the sun was still overhead! It was certainly getting to be late afternoon, but sunset wouldn’t happen for quite a while yet.
Turning quickly he caught the colors again... there! Just across the river, perched on a rock on the sandy portion of the opposite bank was a large, colorful dragonet! Staring at it, Sunset watched as it also turned to face him. Thrashing its tail in agitation, the dragonet shifted back and forth and scratched at the rock below it.
Finally the dragonet made up its mind, spread its wings and cried a shrill challenge across the river!
Pulling his head quickly out of the hollow, Reel almost fell backward as he tried to get away from the bats that may or may not be in the tiny cavelet. The motion carried him backward toward the little rockslide again where he spied a gleam that he hadn’t noticed the first time! There, next to the naughty rock, was a pretty little
Gleamstone. In fact, just a little farther from the pile was a second
Happily gathering the two little stones, Reel put them away into his hastily-assembled harness and looked around for something else to investigate. He was about to climb, wiggle, and hop off to another ledge when an intoxicating aroma wafted by. A little ways to the left of the ledge he was on, there was a larger, sam-sized cave opening in the bluff with a
Sweetscent Flower poking out of it! He could climb over to it and risk another cave with hypothetic bats, or he could continue on away from the caves, looking for more treasures like his gleamstones and ignore the fantastic smell of the flower...