Here it is, Pretty much you have to post an answer to a question the person before you asked. Anyone may play no matter if you have a sam or not.
So, example... I will post the first question
What is your favorite color
The next person to read will post the answer to the question, then they will post another question of their own
Billyjoebob posts:
What is your favorite animal?
and the game goes on from there. The questions are whatever is some ones favorite or what they like, you may give options, *example : What do you like better, Feather wings or bat wings?* as well if you want. This is all G RATED!!! G G G G G !!! lol Please no mean stuff, no offensive questions, very general and just stuff that is interesting to know!

If you answer at the same time some one else does, if your the second one to post, please edit your post as soon as your can!

Lets see how this goes.
First question!!!
What Trait/Mutation of Sam do you like most?
*if youd like to say Why you like it please do!